Is pdlc glass better than residential insufilm?


During the hottest months of the year, the temperature in your area can cause thermal sensations of up to 40ºC. That’s why many people try to find solutions to alleviate the heat in spaces. In this regard pdlc glass is very useful. 

Air conditioning is always the first alternative, but energy consumption ends up being very high due to the constant use of appliances.

pdlc glass

Use of pdlc glass in domestic and commercial areas

One of the measures to reduce the internal temperature and reduce the use of air conditioning is the installation of pdlc glass on glass doors and windows. This reduces the incidence of solar radiation inside the rooms. And, consequently, it decreases the temperature. Solar glass is responsible for a 99% reduction in sunlight.

This means 75% less heat inside the environment. And the advantages still continue: they can bring greater luminous comfort depending on which model is chosen for application, in addition to bringing greater privacy, security, acoustic comfort and even have an aesthetic and decorative function.


There is a specific pdlc glass or glass film model for every need. Check out some:

  • Mirrored Film: has an aesthetic function, but it works mainly to bring more privacy
  • Blackout Film: Completely blocks visibility and light entry.
  • Safety Film: reinforces the glass and makes it difficult to break.
  • Sandblasted Film: imitates sandblasted glass for a much cheaper price.
  • Decorative film: with different designs and geometric shapes,
  • Nanoceramic glass: made with nanotechnology, they have high functionality

Is it time to remove the old insulfilm from your windows? 

Although pdlc glass has an average durability of 15 years, some external factors can damage the material so that it will be necessary to replace the film. Some of these factors are: excessive scratches, acts of vandalism, inadequate cleaning, among others.  When you decide to replace the glass that question arises.

How to remove the old insulfilm without damaging the glass surface? 

In this article we will talk a little more about this subject. The process for removing the film is a little time-consuming and requires some dedication. Care must be taken not to damage the glass surface when using sharp objects. See steps for removing insulfilm from windows:


Dissolve the film:

To start the removal process for using pdlc glass, the ideal is to use products that can dissolve the existing film, such as ammonia and vinegar. Vinegar is more suitable in these cases, as ammonia has a very harmful odor. Mix the vinegar with water and spray on the surface using a sponge. Repeat the procedure a few times and then put a plastic over the top, allowing the surface to stay wet.

Release the movie:

The hotter the surface, the easier it will be to remove. So try to do this procedure during the day, with sunlight. Using a dryer and a vaporizer can help you with this step.

Peeling the film:

This process will make the film start to “run” in pieces and you must protect the base of your door or window, avoiding damaging this material. Have a knife on hand to carefully peel the corners. If you are still not releasing it easily, continue with the procedures from the previous steps.

Cleaning the glass:

After removing the film, use water and a soft cloth to remove the small pieces of the old insulfilm. In addition to being very useful and bringing many benefits, pdlc glass is also a great way to improve the aesthetics of an environment. With a wide variety of models, choosing the ideal film for your space can be a daunting task. So some issues need to be taken into consideration before choosing your film model. Check out our tips:


Understanding the needs of the environment is essential for film selection. You need to analyze what results you want to achieve: is the film just for heat reduction, or does your space needs more privacy?

pdlc glass 2021

Is incident lighting well, or does it need to be reduced? Is this an area with a high risk of glass breakage? All these questions are very important to define if you will apply a reflective, smoked, safety film, among others…


Pdlc glass have the great advantage of allowing the aesthetic change of glass doors and windows, so it is necessary to define what kind of effect you want to give to your facade or internal environment. Mirrored glass, for example, is a great option for those who want more privacy and still modernize the facade.

Decorative glass, on the other hand, is great for meeting room dividers, for example. Through our Film Simulator it is possible to check the aesthetic results of some of our models of glass, and in case of doubt, it is always interesting to talk to a specialized professional!


In general, pdlc glass doesn’t require much maintenance other than proper cleaning. But some models of film require more frequent cleaning, as they can make fingerprints and dust more visible, for example. If this is a feature you need to avoid, its important knowing which glass will not be a good choice.


Did you know that residential pdlc glass also helps reduce electricity use? By reducing the temperature of the rooms, air conditioning is no longer necessary, and energy costs are reduced. In cases where privacy glass are used, the use of curtains and blinds also ends up being less frequent, helping to take advantage of natural lighting and reducing the use of lamps.


Few people know that pdlc glass also help to reduce noise. As insulfilm is an extra layer of protection for the glass, it helps to reduce the incidence of external and internal noise, contributing to greater acoustic comfort.


Another great advantage of residential pdlc glass is that it protects the glass from scratches and vandalism. If any of these events happen, it is much cheaper to replace the damaged film than to replace the glass. Furthermore, the film strengthens the glass, making it difficult to break and preventing shattering.