5 Doubts about the use of Electric Blackout Glass Film


How does the Anti-Vandal Film work?

Do you know the Anti-Vandal Film? Do you know the purpose of this safety accessory? This type of electric blackout glass film is becoming more and more common, as every day the traffic violence gets bigger and stopping at a traffic light is more and more dangerous.

What is Anti-Vandal Film?

It is a film comprising of polyester blades that can increase the resistance of the glasses against impacts, mainly of blows.

But with the film, won’t the glass break? It can even break; however, the film will serve as a kind of protective layer, preventing the glass from shattering and the window ending up breaking completely.

As the name implies, the Anti-Vandal Film will protect you and your family from burglaries and robberies, where the bad guys can break the glass, stealing and hurting those inside the car.

Electric Blackout Glass Film

How does the Anti-Vandal Film work?

As the name implies, the Anti-Vandal Film serves to hinder the thief’s access to the vehicle interior, but its benefits do not end there.

Because it serves as a kind of “protective electric blackout glass film”, it prevents the glass from breaking completely and the shrapnel from reaching those inside the car.

This is not only for strikes and assault attempts, but also for crashes and collisions. The chance of the glass breaking is much less than when compared to a glass without film.

Another important point that we must highlight about the Anti-Vandal Film, is that it protects against 99% of UV rays and rejects up to 79% of the sun’s heat.

With this, the driver will have more visual stability and the climate inside the car will be much cooler than the conventional one.

How does the electric blackout glass film work?

Before investing in any Film, be it Anti-vandalism or normal, it is important to research and find out which has allowance by the National Traffic Council.

Electric blackout glass film can be banned if it is too dark, so be aware of the percentage of transparency.

So, on the windshield there must be a minimum transparency of 75%. In the front side windows, the minimum transparency is 70%. In the rear windows, less transparency of up to 28% is possible.

Failure to comply with the law can lead to a fine of R $ 195.23 and the loss of five points in the driver’s license, in addition to the removal of the accessory.

5 doubts about the use of electric blackout glass film

You are looking for alternatives to ensure thermal comfort in projects, but you still have some doubts about the use of glass film. To help you stay on top of the use of this material, below we answer the most frequently asked questions about 3M solar control films. Check out:

# 1. Can I install the glass film on my own?

3M glass films must apply by trained professionals to ensure product warranty. Almost all films have design for application from the inside of the windows and only a qualified supplier will know how to indicate and install the ideal model for each environment.

Do I need to prepare the site for the electric blackout glass film application?

Yes. The first step is to prepare the window area for application. Cloths should present on the floor and protect your furniture or placed elsewhere. Then, the window glass must clean with common cleaning products (usually water and ammonia).

After that, the electric blackout glass film is sprayed with a solution of water and detergent to allow it to slide and correct positioning. And then we apply it to the window. Using a professional squeegee and following appropriate techniques, the application is completed with the removal of excess water, elimination of the film ends and a final squeegee passage to dry the tips.

# 3. I put the film on the glass and now it has bubbles. What do I do?

Film drying is not immediate. Ideally, the glass film should be left to dry and cure for 30 days. During this curing process, it is normal for water bubbles to form or for the film to appear cloudy. This will disappear when the film dries. Depending on the type of film and the climatic condition, it can take up to 45 days for this process to occur. .

# 4. How should I clean the electric blackout glass film?

After thirty (30) days, you can clean the glass films using common cleaning products, including those based on ammonia. For example and a soft, lint-free cloth or fabric. You can also use a squeegee for cleaning. Abrasive products that may scratch or damage the film should not be used.

# 5. How do I calculate correctly to obtain thermal comfort in the environment?

There are calculators that allow the impact on energy consumption to be calculated from the air conditioning calculation. 3M provides a calculator that takes into account the environments that use solar control films.

When entering in the table information such as country:

  • City
  • type of glass used
  • model of film to be used
  • cost of electricity
  • cost of floors in the building
  • length of the building

With this information in hand, it is easier to correctly size the air and thus reduce the consumption of electricity.

Were you able to clarify your doubts? We are available to provide more information about the product.

Sun protection films reduce electricity consumption

The constant rise in climatic temperatures and more affordable prices for air conditioners make it possible to install new electric blackout glass film. the perspective is that by the end of this century, the total of homes with this equipment will jump from 13% to 70%, according to a survey published in the magazine of American Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

For the environment, this information is a great warning sign. The refrigerators and air conditioners release hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), a gas more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2), which contributed to the acceleration of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and to the aggression of the ozone layer.

Exaggerating its use can have negative impacts on the environment and also compromise people’s health, especially if the correct maintenance of the air filter is not carried out.

How to reduce the consumption of air conditioning?

The first step is to adopt measures for the conscious use of air conditioning.

If the building’s facade is made of glass, for example, the solar incidence in the environment is large, which consequently increases the feeling of heat.

In this sense, the sun protection film is usually a good option to reduce internal heating and decrease the use of air conditioning.

Electric Blackout Glass Film 2021

In some cases, it even reduces the heat by up to 7 degrees centigrade and, as they block 99.9% of UV rays and 97% of infrared rays, they still protect the furniture, carpets and curtains of the place, preventing their fading.


Another advantage of electric blackout glass film is that it guarantees high brightness in the environment, making it possible to stay part of the day without turning on the lights – which significantly impacts the consumption of electricity.